2018! Yet another year

Pretty much all the excitement from New Years day has died down now and a lot of people are thinking "Now i'm back to the old me now".  Don't worry because it's a universal feeling. New year doesn't change an individual and definitely not the screaming and shouting at 12:00am. You're presented with another opportunity to have a go at life again. Don't waste it. 

New Year Resolutions.  Even as the year has began, you'll hear a lot of having-new-year-resolutions speeches and how to plan the year but none of these speakers know you better than you do. No matter how many of these you listen to or the number of resolutions you have, it will come down to you. The best way to achieve your dreams is to do you. Know your niche and your potential and work around finding goals that'll improve you.
Cutting them off. There are a lot of posts about cutting people off. Sure its a good idea, but how about trying to figure out what problem you bring to the table, and then try and fix yourself. And then if you still want to cut them then that's cool. Because at the end of the day, cutting them off should mean that you should become a better person. 
2017 seemed to have been a relatively bad year full of challenges. But to make 2018 better you have to learn from your mistakes. Learn from all you've been through and take lessons from all the Ls you took. Don't forget them and try to incorporate those lessons into your life. 

Count your blessings. Inasmuch as you suffered great failures and losses in your attempts, its only part of a huge learning process. So be grateful to God for the grace and strength to face another day and be sure to thank Him as you count all the blessings in your life

Leave your comfort zone. That's one major problem and I feel like I was soaked in comfort zone. For most of last year I didn't challenge myself and didn't try to. Being out of your comfort zone means you're accepting new challenges and doing things that you'd probably never done. If this helps, I thought of starting a blog back in 2015 but i'm starting today. You need to get out of the comfort zone. You've been there long enough. Try new things, pick up new hobbies and learn more and read wide. 

Anyways yeah. I learnt these from 2017 and I thought i'd share. Its going to be quite difficult for me to do all these at some point but I think I'll do my best. And I hope these help you straighten up your life and add to your lessons
Feel free to comment any lesson you've learnt or any advice because right now we all could use them. I'd say if you're new here welcome, but i'm also new here. So... Well until the next blog..

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