Aren't we all tired of the having your books close by and reading most of the time advice we get from teachers and parents! You hear them talk like they were the perfect students and sometimes it gets frustrating when they think their abilities are transferable but we know it isn't. Don't I hate it when they start blaming times and technology! Ugh! Here are four things I think would help you in your student life.

Know Yourself
I mean this is an obvious point but a lot of people still struggle with learning or school in general because they don't fully understand themselves. For instance I procrastinate my learning and completion of assignments a lot. You'd hear a lot of stuff like starting on time and learning earlier than  a week to exam but I've come to realize that I do that because I have anxiety issues and so I tend to be anxious and over think almost every sentence when I start my assignment on time. For learning, I do it close to exam because I may forget and there'd be self-doubt and nerves would be all over the place and because of this, I don't let those pieces of advice affect me too much, and I'm able to produce good results. 

How Do You Learn? 
This is a follow-up to the first point. There are people who aren't readers and reading lecture notes doesn't do for them. Others too are listeners and the material sticks better when you hear the lectures or the ones that remember or understand their courses through videos. Teachers usually tell students to keep reading, forgetting it isn't cut out for everyone. If you learn best when you listen to people, then pay attention in class as this helps you spend less time with books. If you're the video type, then that's a bit problematic as lectures go on with very few illustrations in Ghana but that shouldn't stop you. Get on YouTube and search topic areas you have issues with. Be specific with the search and make sure to pay attention to details to help you grasp whatever you're watching. And this would go a long way to help you. 

Set achievable goals 
Sadly, not all of us are the A+ type of students but don't let that get to you. If you struggle to get even a C, set your mind towards a C+ and then work towards it, as you incorporate the earlier points because in the end, its not the class that matters (although it feels nice showing it off) but what you were able to learn. You'll find that you may even do better than the C+ because now you're working according to your strengths and you're getting comfortable with the learning. 

Over learning
I've heard a lot of teachers and my late dad say that I should learning all the time. It's practically impossible for me but if you can then that's cool, this one isn't for you. If you can't learn continuously for hours no need to stress. Its all about quality here, not quantity and let's face it, most of the time you say you're learning for hours, your mind wandered, you dozed off, replied texts or watched videos. If you can't, you certainly don't have to. You can take breaks, and if you know yourself with which styles in the first point you're good at, you don't have to spend long hours in the study room, unless you love reading and you remember most of the stuff you read. 

In the end, it boils down to knowing yourself. Advice wouldn't help you if you don't even what the problem is or who you really are. 
I hope this helps you and I'd love to hear your experiences. Comment below.

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