Being a B. Sc Psychology Student

Let's face it, very few things beat gaining admission to the university(especially if it's your dream school or dream course). Your parents are proud, you suddenly feel older and the use of lectures, instead of classes, forgetting how ridiculous it sounds, sends you to space. I hadn't thought about Psychology until I realized my grades wouldn't make the cut for my dream course. Since then I've actually loved the course and I want to pursue it further. Being a B. Sc Psychology student is a bitter-sweet experience nonetheless.

Adding additional details. I've reached a point where i'm so tired of people asking me what course i'm offering. The conversion goes like
"What course do you offer"
There's Bachelor of Arts in Psychology which is combined with two other courses in the first years and so people tend to ask "and? " in a bid for you to let them know the other courses.
I find myself having to specify that I'm a bachelor of science student and so its a single major and I dread this. Short conversations become longer and you begin faking smiles when clearly you're not in the mood. 

Free electives
Ugh I hated this. In level 200 and 300, the department doesn't have 15 credit worth of courses so you find yourself having to search for 6 credits in other department and this was hell. I cannot fully tell you how annoying it was to be studying courses that were in no way related to Psychology. And because its another department, they may have different requirements for students as well as different schedules. Timetables. Yes timetables were different and you had to make sure the courses you chose courses that don't occur at the same time or at convenient times with your Psychology courses. Be sure to stress in the first weeks probing your friends in other science departments about courses that are doable and that wouldn't be problematic. I chose a botany course on the last day of registration in level 300 and the students there were reminding me of how much of a mistake I made choosing it. I dreaded exams too but thankfully, it turned out well. 

White elephant undergraduate degree
I can't be going for lectures daily, offer all those difficult science courses, stress over which free electives would stress me the least, only to find out my degree doesn't make me a psychologist. Not in the slightest. Its only a foundation and that I become a psychologist after completing a master's degree in a desired field and obtaining a license from the Ghana Psychological Association and this is just annoying. So then what am I then? Just a psychology degree holder? Its just annoying

Friends from other fields.
Listening to our brothers and sisters in the other departments complaining about the chemistry and animal biology and the physics practicals was quite satisfying for me who's offering B. Sc Psychology . Its indeed very stressful and I always think "thank God" when I hear them go on and on about the countless one credit courses (the lecturers treat them like three credits) and the stressful practicals. I really sympathize with you and Psychology is also difficult and bulky trust me, we get tired too but its just not as stressful. And I wish you all the best sincerely.

Can you read minds?
Whether you're a B.A or a B. Sc student, you are faced with this question. It's the most annoying question anyone could ask you as a psychology. It's even more annoying in your first year. Like without even talking about how wrong this question is, imagine meeting a meeting a medical student and asking if they can now dissect a human being. Dumb right? Yeah that's the same thing people attempt to do here. What makes it even more wrong is that no psychologist reads mind. Reading minds is psychic or something but psychology is a science, acceptance of the observable and testable evidence. So please can this question stop, because we're tired of saying No. 

I love Psychology very much though, and I can't wait to be a psychologist in few years to come. Its stressful indeed but the love for Psychology is so deep I can endure.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's really enlightening. God bless.
