Photo credit: Steemit
Yes, flat earthers, people who believe and propagate the view that the earth is flat. After all the education in school and the advancement of science, you’d think that people were convinced enough that the earth is round. However these people believe that there is no way the earth is round. According to IflScience, the movement or society (Flat Earth Society they call themselves) was founded by Samuel Shenton in 1956, but died down with more evidence produced to confirm that the earth was spheroid. However around 2006, Another Shenton, not related to Samuel, reignited the claim and created the modern Flat Earth Society which has garnered over 500 people to date.
The flat earth claims have been sparked by the internet, social media and celebrities such as B.o.B, who is a long standing member and more recently NBA superstar Kyrie Irving. When asked if he still believed and what he’d tell someone who doesn’t believe, he just asked people to believe what they wanted but research for themselves to find out.

What do they believe?
First question I had in mind while I was researching this was, with all the photo and video evidences of people having gone to space, what do they make of them? According to their website, there was a competition as to who would go to space first during the Cold War and so USA had to fake a trip to outer space and categorically state that NASA are not covering up a flat earth but “depict the earth as round, simply because that’s what they expect it to be.” With regards to pictures, the website read “In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence. It is too easily manipulated and altered”
Coming to their beliefs;
Gravity doesn’t exist
They believe that the force that pulls the earth into its spherical shape doesn’t exist. No explanation or no proof, they just believe that gravity doesn’t exist on this earth. Interesting

The obvious: Earth is a flat disk
Flat earthers believe that the earth is a flat disk in a dome, with the North Pole at the centre and the earth surrounded by a wall that prevents the water from falling over. The sun and the moon are above the earth in the dome. Their major evidence of the flat earth is the horizon. According to them, if the earth was round, then the horizon should be a curve and not the straight line we observe. But what they fail to realize is that curvature at eye level would appear to be straight and therefore we seeing the straight line is just perspective.

The earth doesn’t rotate around the Sun
According to them, the flat earth is stationary and that the sun and moon rotate about the North Pole to produce day and night. So when the sun is above you, its day and when the sun isn’t above you and when the moon is, it is night. The appearance of the sun to rise and fall is just one’s perspective. They also believe that the earth is closer to the surface than the scientists’ claim (it’s just about 4300km and not the 149.6 million kilometres that the scientists put out).
Bob James of reveals that the evidence of a rotating earth was discovered in 1838, when German Friedrich Wilhelm Bassel successfully measured the parallax of star Cygni 69. To explain the parallax, raise your thumb at arm’s length and try viewing it separately with your eyes. You notice that it appears to have changed position and the apparent distance between the two “thumbs” is the parallax. The thinking behind the discovery was that if the position of a nearby star was measured and then it is measured some months later, the apparent position of the star should shift a little.
Think back to the last time you walked in a rain. You brought out your umbrella and lifted it over your head. Remember that as you walked, you had to tilt your umbrella into the rain to prevent the rain hitting you. This is proof of the “tilt” or rotation of the earth

Solar eclipse is a hoax
Perhaps the most interesting is that they simply cannot explain the solar eclipse. Their attempts have been ridiculous and very laughable. Many of the flat earthers believed the NASA project a hologram into the sky and we’re asked to wear the glasses because then we’d notice it’s just a hoax.
The Sun

There are a lot of scientific explanations for most of the claims of the flat earthers. I advise that you don’t only read the flat eathers’ side of the story because they’re very believable but look for scientific explanations too. Comment certain questions you may have and let me know your thoughts on this one. Before I sign out, here’s a flat earther explaining to a round earther how to find proof of a flat earth and a famous post by the society a while back

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