Cypaq's Green album: More than just a collection of songs

Cypaq finally released his much anticipated first album and it's a peach. It's more than just collection of songs put together. Each song is a piece to a big story here which I'll go into shortly. 

This album contains a miscellany of music differing in taste. If you're the love song type or introspective music, there's a song for you, hardcore hip-hop rap fan, there's a song for you. If you love the Afro beat type song, you'd find a song for you. This album illuminates Cypaq's creative writing and thinking. Being a young adult himself, he portrays in his music his struggles, fears, pain and hardship as he lays down rich lyrical content that amuses and speaks to the listener. The album title "Green" represents inexperience, inexperience in handling life thereby presenting a struggle of crossing that bridge into adulthood. It's his first studio album so this also could mean his inexperience in music too. (I beg to differ though) 

The album starts off with a mixture of feelings, wanting to turn up and at the same time reflect on life in the face of "Nightmares". Then it seeps into commitment and relationships, how sure he was, getting into one (constantly reassuring his new girlfriend to be there forever in "Roll up") and then over time questioning his commitment (confusion causing up and downs in the relationship "Rollercoaster"). 
He then addresses the problem at hand with "Childish", unable to fully grow up and still wanting to low-key be a child,(no worries and cares because someone is doing that for you, all you do is live).

Then with "Switch up" and "Insecurities" he delves into feelings of sadness and a sense of lack of direction in his music. How he's trying to please people but wanting to put out craft he's into and the struggle in shrugging off comments on how to live or type of music to do. "Cold II", which brings tears to my eyes, is a cry for help, feelings of loneliness, emptiness and lack of purpose. How he has to explain his music to his "corny-Christian" friends who question his loyalty in Christ, eventually creating doubt in his heart, "Is he going the right way?" he finds that he's constantly asking himself and God, looking for some assurance from God. He ends the album with "Pressure", which is exactly what he, like many other young adults feel, to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. Eventually belief, faith and assurance in God, hard work, constantly learning from past mistakes and self-confidence may be enough to pull through this period.

Cypaq, born Cyril Quansah is a Ghanaian rapper with an unwavering passion for music. He's current pursuing a Bachelor's degree at the University of Ghana. He started rapping in 2014 and it hasn't been easy or rosy but his persistence hardwork and integrity is his stronghold. This is his first album, releasing a number of hot singles earlier this year. The sky is the limit for this young rapper and would sweep the floor in no time. Keep soaring high! 

Listen or buy the album here

Follow and connect with Cypaq on these social media sites
Instagram: @cypaq
Twitter: @thecypaq

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  1. Your break down of this was spot on and I love that you're trying to give a Ghanaian artist you believe in, more exposure
