Girlfriends: Social Media Description

Social media has afforded everyone the opportunity to air out their views and even some of
the wrongest ideas and misconceptions are supported and so has created something like a standard for groups of people. People have attributed women with certain traits and others have hopped on these ideas which have created a mental representation of women and have affected dealings with females. Here are some of these ideas and how wrong the are


This is simple logic; who nags when you're right? Yeah you guessed right, no one. Nowadays people just want other people to put the blame on. Why the hell wouldn't you fix whatever problem or behaviour that's causing your wife or girlfriend to nag. Its hard to explain why boys think this is a "girl thing" because seriously if you do something wrong, you're never hearing the end of it. If I do keep quiet, it's not because I'm male but it's either because i'm not in the mood, don't  feel comfortable around you or don't think i'm going to end it even after 5years.

Love for Money

Can I say I'm extremely appalled by the common assertion that women love money. Like people talk like women are just waiting for the next guy with money to follow like our decisions aren't sometimes driven by money (both males and females). Women aren't attracted to money, anymore than men do though. They are attracted to men that are sustainable and would be able to continue their generation (scientifically proven, even though more complex than that). They want companionship, someone they can trust,  someone that is driven by success and someone with similar aims and goals in life so they can achieve them together. In fact, everyone loves money so it is increasingly annoying when men attribute it to women. Who doesn't love free money? Who? If you decide that giving money to a woman makes you feel manly, don't expect her not to accept, because everyone likes free money.

Appeased with sex
Maybe this one is just preposterous and needs to stop. Its annoying seeing posts and tweets about "giving" women sex when you annoy them. If this isn't the one of the dumb things i've heard!  Sex doesn't solve any problem, trust me. If you have a problem or you make a mistake in the relationship and she's annoyed and wants to talk about it, don't bring up sex. If you promise her something and dont deliver, apologize; don't think sex is going to fix that. What's going to happen is that your girlfriend might probably forming mental representation of who you are and perhaps making long term plans without you. 

The first three points lead to this fourth one. Humans are complex with complex thought processes and therefore please stop thinking they are mechanical. For instance, it's not automatic that by offering a woman money, she'll give you whatever you want, or that when you "give" her sex, all problems fade away. They are fully functional beings with brains on their own so throw away these simplistic ideas and understand that it doesn't work that way

In a relationship both sides aren't just automatic beings and so simplistic solutions might not work. Its good to seek for relationship advice from friends and all but the best person to talk to is your partner. This is because you'd know what he or she wants and how you two can compromise and accept each other to keep the relationship going.  Comment your thoughts and any other views you have and don't forget to follow and share... 

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  1. Honestly some females tend cling to some of these stereotypes and use them as some kind of absurd validation and criteria for choosing a partner, so i think this post would help some females too.I do hope more guys also get to read this cause it really is relevant.

    1. Certainly true. Its sad though that some women think this way

  2. It's absurd to think this society of ours will change someday. Every damn thing has a label and unfortunately these labels have increasingly been accepted as the 'truth' pathetic! How do women even live with this shit? Power to all women out there changing this stupid ideas. Y'all the mvp.

    1. You're right! Eventually anything is accepted as truth so long as majority of people are singing the same song. Kudos to women tho🙌🙌

  3. It is really true. Sometimes people's experiences also validate these claims so we should be careful when publicizing our relationship. Great post though.

    1. I agree totally. Experiences play a major role in the formation of ideas and so as soon aa people accept that no two people are the same, these ideas may change. Thanks😊😊
