The Bus Ride

I’ve always loved the bus. I didn’t have to drive and as a bonus, I got to observe different groups of people: mothers struggling to keep their bewildered babies calm, impatient old men who think he’s being cheated by the bus conductor and my least favourite, the window seat hog. Least favourite because I am one of them and entering a bus with all window seats occupied annoyed me.
I could never fully enjoy my bus ride due to my star status. Fans would get so giddy as soon as they saw me, wrangling me for autographs, pictures, and even my phone number. Sometimes, it drives bus conductors crazy. Today I need a ride alone.
I’m about to do the craziest thing: pay for an empty bus so I could just sit in it and be alone. As soon as I count the cash, which I suspect the driver overpriced me, he asks for a picture and then gets ready to set off.
Today I don’t have to unleash my wrath on anyone, all the seats are free. As soon as I sit, I slide the window to feel the wind rushing into my face till my face becomes numb. My eyes water and burn but there’s no gain without pain.
One of my favourite things about this route is the sea; the most magnificent creation in my opinion. I love watching waves build-up from the middle and then dissipating at the shore and gazing at the horizon. What is beyond it? Today I wanted to get down and walk to the sea. I could hear it call out my name.
In the next few unexplainable moments, I’m standing at the shore. Each time the waves reach my feet, they want to pull me in; to drown my sorrow away. Imagining letting myself go brings me so much peace. The sea has a plan, it must, else it wouldn’t call out to me. The wind starts pulling my shirt. The waves pull my feet. It has to be. There is nothing on land for me. The land can’t drown anything, let alone the pain, scorn, and disappointment.
The water is above my head now. I want to let the sea know I’ve arrived. It is beautiful and looking at the sun from under is breathtaking, as breathtaking as what the sea is doing to me. My body starts reacting aggressively to the absence of atmospheric oxygen in the sea. My hands are jabbing the sea surface trying to keep my head afloat. My body shows unease but my mind shows me peace. I’m losing my breath. My head feels so light. I utter the word “Sorry”
“Breaking news, a body has been found at the shores at Dansville. No news on the identity of the body but more news to follow soon.”
“The body has been identified to be Dansville United striker James Odum. That is devastating for the city of Dansville and the nation as a whole.
“He was a goal scorer and one of the top players in this country. He won two league trophies with Dansville United, an MVP and was a penalty kick away from winning CAF Champions League final.”
“Police reports say, per eye witness account, that he walked into the waters and wasn’t seen again. Fishermen who were miles away sighted a man walking into the sea and then rushed to the location when they saw him struggling to stay afloat. Unfortunately, it was too late.”
“He missed the last penalty kick and the past few days were tough on him. Pundits lambasted him, fans sent numerous death-threatening messages and the social media trolls launched the keyboard swords into his soul. He probably couldn’t live with himself…” sobs “…we’ve lost a great player and a star. After the break, we have FC Dansville captain, Ankra to speak to us on the matter.”

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