What the Heart Wants

Every messenger working simultaneously
To get everyone excited
As two soulmates draw closer
The heart double-beating
To get that extra work in
To deliver new juice to one last station
Hair follicles assume positions
The catapillars in rapid development
They were made for this moment
Ready to burst through the stomach
Stomach already reeling from emptiness
The eyes wrestling in their nests
Wrestling the eyelids, forcing it to shut down
Its almost time now
The portal is open
The catapillars are fully butterflies now
The juice has reached the station
Now working in its full glory
Hair follicles singing in joy as skins touch
Causing release of electrifying heat waves
The stomach explodes to release its contents
The brain mushes as lips touch
The heart now triple beating as intensity increases
More skin contact meant more singing
Both skins burning and melting off
Feeding off each others energy
The heart is overworked
Both skins pull away
Calm waves hit the body
Creating peace and quiet
Repairing the stomach and inflating the brain
Normalcy restored

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