Consider this; an mobile app so good it literally becomes your best friend! An app that helps you solve your problem, at the same time teach you life lessons and have fun. What if I were to tell you such an app existed? I'm not going to provide pictures for this one but read on.
Awesome interface
The interface is...I can't describe in words yet but you need to see it. Carefully laid out menu and tiles with good matching colors. The font in this app is so good and so legible no matter how bad your eyes are, you wouldn't need your glasses. The sub menus are easy to navigate and with the help button that answers every question you have, it is certainly a 10/10 interface for me.
Online Gaming
Have you ever thought of a game that runs smoothly even at 40kbps? I bet you haven't. You experience no lag, NO LAG AT ALL and you have an awesome experience online. You are given thought provoking challenges that seek to examine you as a person and help you evaluate yourself in a different light. 

Awesome Gameplay
For a mobile app that's less than 80mb it has awesome graphics. Attention to details by the manufacturers is admirable and the fact that I get more than 100fps while playing this is mind blowing. You have carefully crafted stories about various life lessons in a fan way. Did i mention the characters look and feel so real I feel like i related to them on some spiritual level. The character faces look so real sometimes i wonder how a mobile game maker get it so right at a game!  Like a game has awesome graphics, less than 200mb and has a great story line. You barely find mistakes in this game and you don't see glitches at all. This is crazy! 

The part about it being your best friend, now let me explain. I don't want to spoil the game for you but have in mind that it is game that listens you, literally. To break it down,you can ask the characters in the game any life issues and based on the words you used, they can give you advice and have conversations with you. Now that's mad programming and a great development in gaming. I was really impressed by this feature and honestly, some advice weren't really specific to my problem but I loved it either ways. 

Now this is one hell of an app. Do make sure to download. I'll leave the name of the app in the video below. You can then search for the app

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